MouseStats Partners

earn 25% of monthly payments
yes, including all recurring billings.

How does it work?
In a few seconds you can become a MouseStats Partner.
  • 1. Signup and login in a few seconds
  • 2. Get your partner referring URL
  • 3. You will earn 25% of plan purchases of anyone who is coming to MouseStats using your partner URL
  • 4. You will receive 25% of all recurring payments (as long as the user continues using the service) too!
Your earnings example:
Number of referred users Their plan Your share per user Your total monthly earnings
50 Platinum ~37$/mo ~1860$/mo
50 Gold ~19$/mo ~985$/mo

  • - MouseStats Partners would have their share on all monthly renewals for unlimited months
  • - Our home coded and powerful referral tracking panel would provide real-time statistics about the status of your referrals
  • - If a user come through your URL, he will be immediately listed in your panel
  • - You would get a real-time report when a user opens your URL, signs up for a test plan, on the upgrade and on each renewal
  • - MouseStats Partners would receive the share even if the user upgrade after 2 months from the first visit
  • - Everything on us, you need to just focus on sales. You are our business partner.

Start in a second - Signup/Signin
* By signing up and using the this service, you accept both general MouseStats terms of service and partners terms and conditions.